• 商铺介绍
 广州荣耀货运代理有限公司成立于2001年6月,是广州最早的短途货物运输公司之一,起初负责送仓业务,广州市以及珠江三角洲地区的货物运送,熟悉广东省各地的物流路线,与各大物流专线企业达成良好的共识,并建立了长远密切的合作关系。经过多年的诚信经营,公司发展了空运,以及海运的业务,并作为Fedex UPS DHL EMS TNT 等多家全球企业的合作代理商,起运价格便宜实惠,积累了许多来自欧洲,中东,美国,东南亚地区的客户,并树立起远大的物流运营观念,致力于建立快速,完善,令客户放心的服务模式,让客户委托于我司的货物百分百放心。 业务咨询电话:13710464006 联系人: 朱先生  邮件:zhuqipu5279949@hotmail.com
     QQ: 334051704 微信:tank2588
    业务包揽: 国际空运,海运货物代理以及跟进  广州市内各地的送仓业务  客户商务接送  机场接送  全国各地货物代发
    Guangzhou Rong Yao logistic Co., Ltd was established in June 2001, it is one of the earliest short-distance cargo transport company in guangzhou, at the begining,it was responsible for the warehouse delivery business, guangzhou and the pearl river delta region of delivery business, Rong Yao logistic was familiar with logistics route around guangdong province. After 13 years develpoment, Rong Yao logistic has a good relations of cooperation with each big business enterprise of logistics lines such as Fedex\ EMS\ DHL\ UPS\ TNT , the price of shipment are cheaper,and accumulated many customers from Europe, the Middle East, America, southeast Asia customers,Rong Yao Logistic establish the broad concept of logistics operations,Rong Yao logistic is committed to build fast, perfect. Focus on make each customer trust on Rong Yao logistic service ,to build a 100% satisfaction service for customers.
    business scope: air transportation,ocean shipping, china domestic land transportation, airport and hotel guest recieve service, warehouse transportation service.
    Contact: Mr. Ju tel:13710464006 QQ: 334051704 email: zhuqipu5279949@hotmail.com
    wechat: tank2588
  • 商铺基本资料
类别: 个体
商铺名称: 广州市荣耀货运服务部
主营业务: 代理Fedex UPS DHL EMS TNT 等多家全球企业,起运价格便宜实惠 air transportation,ocean shipping, chi
经营范围: 国际空运,海运货物代理以及跟进  广州市内各地的送仓业务  客户商务接送  机场接送  全国各地货物代发
法人代表/负责人: 朱宝荣
商铺性质: 私营有限公司
注册资本: 万元
电话: 020-13710464006
邮编: 510000
所在地: 广州
详细地址: 广州市荔湾区站前路西郊大厦
主页: http://www.rongyaologistic.icoc.cc